As the star has turned 31, we're shining the light on his achievements.

Brendon Urie has done a lot in his 14 years as frontman of Panic! At The Disco. As the last remaining original member (and the only member of the official lineup), he puts in astounding amounts of work into each and every song, recording the vast majority of tracks and instruments himself. AND he never lets that lessen the complexity of any of the songs.
Of course, having complete creative control is nice in a way, as it means he can alter the musical direction as he pleases, a reason that many of the members left. And what an evolution it’s been; from roots in pop-punk and emo, to synth-, electro- and baroque-pop, to pop and jazz. And if Brendon doesn’t mind and is capable of doing everything himself, where’s the harm? Even if it’s odd to think that this literal one-man band refers to himself as a band, creating albums that turn out like insights into his mind.
Aside from backflipping around stages and pulling off amazing vocal feats, he’s also known to be outspoken on LGBT+ rights, a hot topic that more and more musicians are bringing up; remember when the Foo Fighters rick rolled the Westboro Baptist Church? Brendon donated $1,000 to the Human Right Campaign after members of that same church picketed a show, protesting the Panic! song Girls/Girls/Boys, hailed as a bisexual anthem due the the chorus. (Fair warning, the video has a very naked Brendon in it; apparently he’s a fan of being clothes-less.)
“Girls love girls and boys (x3) and love is not a choice”.
Some have questioned whether Brendon himself is bi, but the singer-songwriter refers to himself in a 2016 interview as someone who “doesn’t really care” and who likes “people”. He even asks if it matters, which some may find a poor choice of phrasing as to some being free to label themselves as what they are really does matter, especially in communities and societies where being open about one’s sexuality is difficult without repercussions. Of course, in that same vein he is free to label himself as he wishes.
I think we can all agree that one with Brendon can be labeled as is beautiful. It’s almost sickening how one person can be so insanely talented, incredibly nice, and have a pretty face. Can’t complain too much though; he’s recently released two new singles (listen to them here and here), and has announced album number 6, Pray for the Wicked ,set to be released June 22nd this year, which I’ll definitely be preordering.